Our General Approach to Training
A key component of how we train is showing participants how to do something by modeling it ourselves. For example, when we create group agreements with participants during a training, we are not only developing a set of ground rules by which we will share the space and engage in shared learning during the training; we are demonstrating the process of developing group agreements so that participants will also understand how group agreements are created and how they function during a meeting.
Scalable and Adaptable
We have conducted training for groups ranging in size from as few as 3 participants to nearly 100 and developed engaging ways to make training effective for a range of group sizes. Our training is flexible, scalable, and adaptable. By varying the depth of training, number of topics in a sitting, and number and types of exercises and activities all of our courses can be taught in a variety of time formats.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
We help participants view their work through a social justice lens to identify and engage underrepresented populations and ensure that all people’s voices and perspectives are understood and addressed in meeting environments and planning processes. We design collaborative processes to reflect the multi-faceted nature of individuals and their various social identities. We believe we can help create a shift toward equity and justice through meaningful dialogue and processes that recognize the equal human rights and equitable opportunities we all deserve.
Engage to Educate
In delivering training, we engage the 3 major learning modalities: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. To do this and to keep learners engaged, we conduct training using a combination of visuals in the form of slides and flip charts, videos, music, interactive and tactile exercises, dialogue, small group exercises, group discussions as well as presentations. We are also sensitive to the unique ways extroversion-oriented and introversion-oriented participants absorb and process information, and carefully select group members for each activity to motivate individuals and regulate their varying energy levels.
Practice, Practice, Practice!
Proficiency in our various training topics is almost never a natural talent, and nearly always a well-practiced skill. Our training prioritizes exercises where participants can immediately apply the skills and techniques they are learning. Participants can expect to spend a significant amount of training time interacting with their peers and honing their skills through practice and constructive feedback.
Peer Learning
We apply a community-building approach to all facets of our work. We find that developing supportive relationships among team members during a training process is the surest way for new knowledge and skills to stick.